Translucent, high-strength silicone mold-making rubber
This is a two-component material consisting of silicon base, which when mixed with Silicon hardener curing agent, cures at room temperature.
A range of materials can be cast into the cured silicone mold: polyurethane and other reactive resins are the materials typically used.
Mix ratio:
Weigh 100g of silicon base with 10g of silicon hardener.
Working time: 80-90 mins@23 °c
Cure time: 12 hrs max
Tensile strength: 6.5N/sqmm
Hardness (Shore A) : 40
Elongation at break : 400%
Tear strength: 27N/mm
Mould making silicon rubber kit
Flat ₹50.00 off on orders over ₹999
Outstanding release properties
Translucent appearance allows split lines to be cut accurately in block molds
Very low shrinkage and good dimensional stability
High hardness, but flexible and very tough
Can be used for high temperature casting applications
Easy to de-air